Anyone watching my git repo for minetest-dev or any of the others will know that I have expanded a bit on what I attempt to maintain in a reasonably timely manner. Not too long ago, during a period when my FreeBSD install was functioning without hiccups, I eventually figured out another improvement to the minetest-dev Makefile. I also have done a little cleanup for the options exposed to those who wish to install it.
Something I have wanted to do but hadn't the motivation or free time simultaneously is to have a way for the fonts installed on the system to be used by minetest, instead of duplicating them. The solution I worked out is definitely not the best and actually begs upstream developers to include a proper mechanism to do this properly. I understand that the minetest client should be guaranteed to have fonts it expects but without a mechanism within its build structure or configuration, we are stuck with a duplication of files for no real purpose.
PORTNAME= minetest DISTVERSION= g20230902 CATEGORIES= games PKGNAMESUFFIX= -dev DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${GH_TAGNAME} DIST_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME}${PKGNAMESUFFIX} MAINTAINER= nope@nothere COMMENT= Near-infinite-world block sandbox game WWW= LICENSE= LGPL21+ LIB_DEPENDS= USES= cmake compiler:c++14-lang iconv:wchar_t sqlite luajit # Upstream requires Clang 3.5+ which for our criteria matches c++14-lang # since # lists "C++14 library support status (complete as of 3.5)" # All other dependency version numbers are more direct and obvious, and surpass requirement. CONFLICTS= minetest USE_GITHUB= nodefault GH_ACCOUNT= minetest GH_PROJECT= minetest GH_TAGNAME= 83b85ba16aaab7bddc479beada4ca3af9fa54a1b CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="MinSizeRel" \ -DCUSTOM_EXAMPLE_CONF_DIR="${PREFIX}/etc" \ -DCUSTOM_MANDIR="${PREFIX}/man" WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${GH_TAGNAME} OPTIONS_DEFINE= CURL DOCS FREETYPE LUAJIT NCURSES NLS SOUND SPATIAL TOUCH PROMETHEUS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= CURL DOCS FREETYPE LUAJIT SOUND SPATIAL SYSTEM_FONTS SYSTEM_GMP SYSTEM_JSONCPP CLIENT GLVND OPTIONS_SINGLE= GRAPHICS OPTIONS_MULTI= SYSTEM COMP OPTIONS_GROUP= BUILD DATABASE COMP_DESC= Software components OPTIONS_MULTI_COMP= CLIENT SERVER SYSTEM_DESC= System subsitutes OPTIONS_MULTI_SYSTEM= SYSTEM_GMP SYSTEM_JSONCPP SYSTEM_FONTS SYSTEM_GMP_DESC= Use gmp from ports (ENABLE_SYSTEM_GMP) SYSTEM_GMP_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_SYSTEM_GMP SYSTEM_GMP_CMAKE_ON= -DGMP_INCLUDE_DIR="${PREFIX}/include" SYSTEM_GMP_LIB_DEPENDS= SYSTEM_JSONCPP_DESC= Use jsoncpp from ports (ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP) SYSTEM_JSONCPP_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP SYSTEM_JSONCPP_CMAKE_ON= -DJSON_INCLUDE_DIR="${PREFIX}/include/jsoncpp" SYSTEM_JSONCPP_LIB_DEPENDS= SYSTEM_FONTS_DESC= Use or install default fonts from ports SYSTEM_FONTS_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Arimo-Bold.ttf:x11-fonts/croscorefonts-fonts-ttf \ ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/Droid/DroidSans.ttf:x11-fonts/droid-fonts-ttf BUILD_DESC= Dev Build options OPTIONS_GROUP_BUILD= BENCHMARKS EXAMPLES UNITTESTS DEVTEST BENCHMARKS_DESC= Build benchmark sources (BUILD_BENCHMARKS) BENCHMARKS_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_BENCHMARKS EXAMPLES_DESC= BUILD_EXAMPLES EXAMPLES_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_EXAMPLES DEVTEST_DESC= Install Development Test game also (INSTALL_DEVTEST) DEVTEST_CMAKE_BOOL= INSTALL_DEVTEST UNITTESTS_DESC= Build unittest sources (BUILD_UNITTESTS) UNITTESTS_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_UNITTESTS OPTIONS_SINGLE_GRAPHICS= GLVND LEGACY GRAPHICS_DESC= Graphics support GLVND_DESC= Use libOpenGL or libGLX GLVND_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_GLVND GLVND_CMAKE_ON= -DOPENGL_GL_PREFERENCE="GLVND" -DOPENGL_xmesa_INCLUDE_DIR="${PREFIX}/lib" GLVND_USE= GL+=opengl LEGACY_DESC= Use libGL - where GLVND may be broken on nvidia LEGACY_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_LEGACY LEGACY_CMAKE_ON= -DOPENGL_GL_PREFERENCE="LEGACY" -DOPENGL_xmesa_INCLUDE_DIR="${PREFIX}/lib" LEGACY_USE= GL+=opengl DATABASE_DESC= Database support OPTIONS_GROUP_DATABASE= LEVELDB PGSQL REDIS OPTIONS_SUB= yes CLIENT_DESC= Build client CLIENT_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_CLIENT CLIENT_LIB_DEPENDS= \ CLIENT_USES= gl xorg CLIENT_USE= jpeg GL=gl,glu \ XORG=ice,sm,x11,xext,xcb,xres,xshmfence,xau,xaw,xcomposite,xcursor,xdamage,xdmcp,\ xfixes,xft,xi,xinerama,xkbfile,xmu,xpm,xrandr,xrender,xscreensaver,xt,xtst,xv,xxf86vm SERVER_DESC= Build server SERVER_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_SERVER CURL_DESC= Enable cURL support for fetching media CURL_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_CURL CURL_LIB_DEPENDS= SOUND_DESC= Enable sound via openal-soft SOUND_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_SOUND FREETYPE_DESC= Support for TrueType fonts with unicode FREETYPE_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_FREETYPE FREETYPE_LIB_DEPENDS= NCURSES_DESC= Enables server side terminal (cli option: --terminal) NCURSES_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_CURSES NCURSES_USES= ncurses # This option is becoming uncertain, though it does something, is it useful? LUAJIT_DESC= Require LUAJIT (always enabled) LUAJIT_CMAKE_BOOL_ON= REQUIRE_LUAJIT LUAJIT_CMAKE_BOOL_OFF= ENABLE_LUAJIT LEVELDB_DESC= Enable LevelDB backend LEVELDB_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_LEVELDB LEVELDB_LIB_DEPENDS= PGSQL_DESC= Enable PostgreSQL map backend PGSQL_USES= pgsql PGSQL_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_POSTGRESQL REDIS_DESC= Enable Redis backend REDIS_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_REDIS REDIS_LIB_DEPENDS= SPATIAL_DESC= Enable SpatialIndex (Speeds up AreaStores) SPATIAL_LIB_DEPENDS= SPATIAL_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_SPATIAL NLS_DESC= Native Language Support (ENABLE_GETTEXT) NLS_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_GETTEXT NLS_USES= gettext NLS_LDFLAGS= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib TOUCH_DESC= Build with touch interface support TOUCH_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_TOUCH # dependency? PROMETHEUS_DESC= Build with Prometheus metrics exporter PROMETHEUS_CMAKE_BOOL= ENABLE_PROMETHEUS # dependency? .include.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MCLIENT} && ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSOUND} USES+= openal LIB_DEPENDS+= \ \ .endif .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSERVER} #USE_RC_SUBR= ${PORTNAME} #USERS= ${PORTNAME} #GROUPS= ${PORTNAME} #USE_RC_SUBR= minetest/ERX USE_RC_SUBR= minetest USERS= minetest GROUPS= minetest .endif # Exactly why this must be done this way eludes me but this works and satisfies the install needs. .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSYSTEM_FONTS} pre-install: ${MKDIR} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Bold.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-BoldItalic.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Italic.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Bold.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-BoldItalic.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Italic.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Regular.ttf ${RM} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf ${MKDIR} ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Arimo-Bold.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Bold.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Arimo-BoldItalic.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-BoldItalic.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Arimo-Italic.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Arimo-Italic.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Cousine-Bold.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Bold.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Cousine-BoldItalic.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-BoldItalic.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Cousine-Italic.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Italic.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/ChromeOS/Cousine-Regular.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/Cousine-Regular.ttf ${LN} -s ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/Droid/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf ${LOCALBASE}/share/minetest/fonts/DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf .endif post-install: @${ECHO_MSG} " " @${ECHO_MSG} "--> "${PREFIX}/etc/"minetest.conf.example explains options and gives their default values. " @${ECHO_MSG} " " @${ECHO_MSG} "--> Local network issues could cause singleplayer to fail. " @${ECHO_MSG} " " @${ECHO_MSG} "--> Alternate graphics driver may be set in client config, must be set to get used." @${ECHO_MSG} " " @${ECHO_MSG} " " # hacky way to not bring irrlicht and X11 depends for server only #.if ! ${PORT_OPTIONS:MCLIENT} && ${PORT_OPTIONS:MSERVER} #BROKEN= server only hack fails for irrlicht fork #.endif # From wiki: # Building without Irrlicht / X dependency # You can build the Minetest server without library dependencies to Irrlicht or any graphical stuff. # You still need the Irrlicht headers for this, so first, download the irrlicht source to somewhere. # # When invoking CMake, use -DBUILD_CLIENT=0 -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=/wherever/you/unzipped/the/source. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Strangely network issues can prevent singleplayer from functioning. # GCC 7.5+ or Clang 6.0+ # CMake 3.5+ # IrrlichtMt - Custom version of Irrlicht, see # Freetype 2.0+ # SQLite3 3+ # Zstd 1.0+ # LuaJIT 2.0+ Bundled Lua 5.1 is used if not present # GMP 5.0.0+ Bundled mini-GMP is used if not present # JsonCPP 1.0.0+ Bundled JsonCPP is used if not present # Curl 7.56.0+ Optional # gettext - Optional #---------------------------------------------------------------------- .include
The post-install message is there for information which I believe an official port wouldn't even place within a pkg-message file, and why must I bother with another file if this remains the same much of the time. It would be one more file to track and possibly update.
Once more: I am not an official port maintainer of official ports, and although I may have based my initial Makefiles upon prior works, these are different, unique, and likely never to be annointed in their format or style or technique. Use them as you choose, the risk is yours regardless of whether they seem safe and effective on my system, caveat emptor for both and all. I will attempt to keep both updated nearly as frequently as I discover new commits.
Repo urls:
Maintaining these unofficial ports [tree leaf contents files] is an enjoyable hobby which ensures that I also have the very most current software. The process to do this officially or not is not particularly difficult but it can certainly be a challenge. I have yet to completely beat dbeaver into utter submission, but the datestamp solution is less than obvious even with a partial answer I am uncertain how to adapt it. You will never know how you could succeed if you never attempt it. If there is ANYTHING out there in the Linux world which you want to have for yourself, you can try to port it. Read the porter's handbook, my own blog posts relate my experiences.
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