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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

VCS changes again

Maybe some of you do better at keeping track of scheduled events, or you're a bit more in touch with the process.  Just a few moments ago I saw a tweet warning "heads up!"

Within the last few days I had noticed that it was 20-something days since my last reboot or update, so I did an svn update of /usr/src and rebuilt, reinstalled.  How serendipitous that was.  According the the wiki page mentioned in the tweet, this might not be possible later this month.  The image below might quickly become invalid but that was what I saw, note the 19th.


For some time FreeBSD has had svnlite in base which could be used to obtain an updated /usr/src or /usr/ports but with the switch to git I wonder if there will be git-lite or similar.  I would have to believe that poudriere would no longer be able to use svn+https to get /usr/src or /usr/ports.  So although the capability would not be removed since anyone could still use svn themselves for their private repo, it won't be for official FreeBSD.  Since I still have until December 18th for certain, I will make sure to do one last update to my /usr/src.  The small bit of trivia would be that once upon a time FreeBSD switched from CVS to SVN (2008) and they decided then that Git wasn't capable.  I cannot say whether Git changed or something else did but its surely good enough now, but for how long?  What will be the successor to Git and will it be BSD or MIT or similarly licensed?  If removing GPL from base would prevent git from being part of it, is there a non-GPL client much like svnlite which could be included?

They keep this around for entertainment:  https://wiki.freebsd.org/VCSWhy

I will have to investigate whether there is a way to do much of the same things as I had with svn, because after so many years I finally had everything figured out and the details put in one easy to access place.  I cannot imagine that all of the methods below have no equivalent. 

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