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Poudriere quick tips

Update poudriere using system source on the same box:

poudriere jail -u -v stable/14 -a amd64 -j 14amd64 -b -m src=/usr/src

Watch the output during any particular pkg build.

My simple script, p-kegtrack:


tail -f `ls /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/14amd64-default/latest/logs/$1*.log`

In the above, 14amd64 is the jailname, default is the setname.  Using this would be p-kegtrack llvm13-13.0.1_7 or simply p-kegtrack which would be much more general and would show all changed log files in the /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/14amd64-default/latest/logs directory.

[14amd64-default] [2024-03-16_01h39m58s] [parallel_build] Queued: 1055 Built: 704  Failed: 3    Skipped: 44   Ignored: 7    Fetched: 0    Tobuild: 297   Time: 10:47:45
 ID  TOTAL                          ORIGIN   PKGNAME                      PHASE TIME     TMPFS        CPU% MEM%
[01] 00:10:19                 devel/llvm13 | llvm13-13.0.1_7          configure 00:06:37 1.34 GiB    33.3% 1.5%
[02] 00:00:34       textproc/libnumbertext | libnumbertext-1.0.11     configure 00:00:04 2.97 MiB     0.4%   0%
[03] 01:09:25 x11-toolkits/qt6-declarative | qt6-declarative-6.6.2        build 01:05:35 1.43 GiB   176.1%   5%
[04] 00:13:10             www/webkit2-gtk3 | webkit2-gtk3-2.34.6_10       build 00:05:58 330.57 MiB 124.9%   2%
[05] 01:06:13                  net/openmpi | openmpi-5.0.2                build 00:23:11 294.96 MiB   0.4%   0%
[06] 00:01:06       graphics/sane-backends | sane-backends-1.2.1_5  lib-depends 00:00:27 39.54 MiB    9.5% 0.2%

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